Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project Musings

I am wanting to make a Strawberry Pie Shawl with some pink Elann Baby Silk I got in a swap.
Well, kinda.

I don't get how she wrote the strawberries. When I follow her instructions I get lopsided thingies I don't care for. I don't know if it's her or me, but I recharted the strawberries.

And I don't think the shape was fully thought out. It appears the thought process was "I don't want a solid circle. What I want to do is take a circle and cut a slit in it so that it goes on like a cape." So there are normal circular increases, but when you reach the end of a 'round', instead of going around, you turn and knit back in rows. Sounds like it should work, right?

Not if you're using spiraling increases.

It's got this odd shape where one side is straight and the other's flared. It's very obvious why that happens. Each 'wedge' has increases on the right side, only. So your right side has increases, and the left doesn't. In circular knitting, you just keep going around and that's cool, but in back and forth, not so much.

So, I'm trying to figure out how to address this.

I could just do it as a circular shawl. That actually makes things easier, because it becomes all knitting instead of having to purl back across some long-ass rows at the end there. But, I'm not completely sure I want a circular shawl. They take more futzing to wear, and really need a shawl pin. (Although that would be a good excuse to get myself a nice shawl pin. ;) )

To keep it cape-like, I don't think I could just put another increase at the other end, because then that last wedge is going to grow faster than the others. Even if that would work, then both ends will flare, and that will hang oddly. Trying to straighten the increases wouldn't really be practical; single increases in circular knitting naturally want to spiral.

So, after mentally rambling for far too long, I guess my options are J-shaped or circular. If I can't have what I really want without lots of redesign, I'll go for the option that saves me metric buttloads of purling. I'll do circular.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If it pisses off the bigots, it's gotta be good!

1) The "Conservative Knitters" group on Ravelry might as well be renamed "Bigots R Us." (Stumbled into it by accident via another member's profile.)
2) Although not directly related to that, they made me laugh quite heartily with their hypocrisy, too. Direct quote: "No surprise that she is a nasty lefty (but that’s redundant). She isn’t satisfied with talking about her book, she has to go insult conservatives." Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't snert.
3) This is the book that has them all a fluster. You can see just how horrible and insulting it is. (Hell yes I want a copy.)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today's Awesome Vendor Award Goes To...

Sophie's Fine Yarn Shoppe.

Due to my new wool-free status, I was looking for some alpaca or llama in yellow/gold to make a Gryffindor-colored felted hedgehog. (No, I don't have a reason for a Gryffindor hedgie. I just want one.) My wonderful LYS identified a likely candidate, Alpaca with a Twist Baby Twist in Lemon Zest, but they don't carry it themselves and I couldn't make up the minimum order.

Well, a search of the internet suggests that Sophie's is the only place in the States that carries the Lemon Zest. Which is awesome, but not why they get the awesome vendor award. I placed an order with them for (1) 50 g ball of yellow, (1) 50 g ball of red, and (1) 50 g ball of grey to fart around with.

Package arrived today. I opened it, dumped it out, and out came (1) 50 g ball of yellow, (1) 50 g ball of grey, and (1) ginormous hank of red. Baby Twist comes in two sizes, 50 g and 250 g. The 250g hanks do not give you a discount. So immediately I think "Oh no, what stupid-ass thing did I do? I could have sworn the check-out was priced for three small balls." So I look for the invoice to try to figure out how I screwed up this order, and on it is a little sticky note:

"We have sent a jumbo hank of Red at no additional charge as the small hanks are backordered."

Guys, one hank costs more than my entire order. They just sent one along instead of making me wait for a back-order or asking if I want to cancel? First time, small order customer? WOW! That is above and beyond in the area of customer service.

I know where I will be getting my Alpaca With A Twist from now on.