I've got round 1 of the materials finished.
You might notice the embroidery isn't as shiny on the new one (on your right) as the old. That's intentional. I was never quite happy with how it came out the first time. I'll work on it some more, but first I want to gamma correct the materials. Gamma Correction is the coolest discovery to hit Poserdom since MAT poses. It's absence is responsible for the infamous distinctive "Poser murk". As it turns out, a lot of the data Poser's rendering engine is outputting doesn't display correctly on a monitor. Hell of an oversight there. :P You can correct some of that in post, but what I've seen so far, having the engine do it (Poser Pro 2010) or doing it in materials gives results I like better. It's the engineer in me; I rather get good data directly than massage bad data to something workable.
Oh, the feet there? Same deal as the ears; the soles are part of the same material zone as the legs. I'm so proud of those, because that is three materials mixed together. (33 nodes, if anyone's counting. But I suspect some of those can be optimized out.)
It wasn't necessarily picked for this reason, but this project is actually a great one for learning the Matmatic compiler. It touches on tons of the main concepts. Once I finish him, I'll probably try to spend more time learning Python programming full out. I want to learn it for other reasons, and it'll only help me with the shader building.