Ironically, the reason I even wanted a Flickr account is for an entirely different site. I finally got my invite to Ravelry, and wanted to start loading up some projects. Particularly, I want to prove that I actually do make things and not just talk about it. Admittedly, I probably research and talk about more than I actually do, but I do do! See, proof, right here:

OK, so Da Bunny helped a little. She's actually on top of the second slipper. I've been doing them more or less at the same time (a section on one, then same section on the other) to ensure I don't have radically different gauges between them. I'm not terribly far off from finishing them; just need to finish turning the heel, and put ribbing around the top. Of course, it would help if I were actually knitting on them right now instead of setting up my Ravelry account and writing this blog post, wouldn't it?
I'm cute, though. :)
It is really time to get a new digital camera. Actually, it's probably past time. I'm thinking about maybe one of Fuji's FinePix line, but I'm not sure. I want a compact digital with a fast response time and good low-light performance, because most of my pictures are taken indoors under nighttime lighting. I don't like that, but there it sits, and it's not changing any time soon. I'm thinking maybe this weekend of going to the local camera store and asking for a recommendation.
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