Thursday, October 8, 2009

OMG Squee!

Hansi Singh has a book!

Hansi Singh is the mastermind behind Hansigurumi and hands down the best pattern writer in modern knitting.  I've done her squid and started her octopus, and you absolutely can not beat her for creativity or for completeness.  She documents the hell out of how to make her stuff.  I really can't say enough good things about the way she writes her patterns. 

And she's got a book out!  Amigurumi Knits!  Brand new.  The knitting store just got it in today, and they don't have it anymore, because I bought it.  (Well, hopefully they have more copies.)

I'm super glad I stayed late, because I hadn't seen it on the table earlier.  I'm not sure if Lynn or someone brought it over to look at or if Deb had set it out for perusing, but I look down and I see a book with Hansigurumi's octopus on the cover.  Oh hey, she must have contributed to a book.  Wait, that's her praying mantis.  And her hermit crab.  Oh, she's the author; it's all her stuff.  *snatch*

There's tons of stuff in here I've wanted to do, but couldn't really justify buying the individual patterns for until I was ready to make them.  The mantis, the hermit crab, the Loch Ness monster, the jackalope, and several more.  But to have a whole book of them right there in front of my face and in my hot little hand...  Yarn stores are dangerous.  It HAD to come home with me.

Now, flipping through the book I can see that not all of the photos in the stand-alone patterns were put into the book, but it looks to me like the most crucial are.  The mantis especially has tons.  So if you're a knitter and you like awesome toys, go buy this.  I'm sure you will not be disappointed.  And she's got even more in her Etsy store.

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