Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dammit dammit dammit dammit DAMMIT!

Lumpy, misshapen baby sweater. I now know WHY it's lumpy and misshapen. It's missing a few hundred stitches.

You take a pattern that has you start with two segments of W stitches and 6 small segments, and increase at markers every 2 out of 3 rows until "there [are] two times W stitches in the largest segment and W stitches in the others", you'd think that one of those W segments just stays vertical and the other gets increased, right? You would if you were me, and you would right now be titling a blog post with a string of mild curses. No, that should be "two times W stitches in the largest segments", plural. I'm missing two important wedges of fabric. And without those wedges I have a very nice... blob. And absolutely no way viable way to repair it short of taking it all the way to the frog pond* and starting completely over. Or calling it modern art, but I don't think anyone would fall for it.

I am not having a good week.

Well, I can finish one of the other two knit projects I had started, or I can restart this one the easy, better looking (for this pattern) way, or I can start swatching for a baby kimono pattern I wanted to try. Options 1 and 3 are looking best. I need some time to decide how much of this yarn I want to try to reuse.

*For my non-knitting readers, "frogging" is slang for unraveling a chunk of knitting, and "going to the frog pond" means unraveling a LOT of fabric, often an entire project. Why frogging? Because you "rip-it, rip-it." Hey, I didn't make it up; I just infect other people with it.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I say go for the seamless baby kimono - it is dang cute! I think I want to knit one for my little bug...