Saturday, March 29, 2008

I hate the nonword "unvent"

"Unvent" is an amazingly annoying knitting thing started by Elizabeth Zimmerman.

Now, I personally despise Elizabeth Zimmerman's writings. I find her unforgivably arrogant, and amazingly ignorant on some topics. The "grandmother of knitting" didn't know why wool felts, OK? (And the math on the Pi shawl is wrong, and I hate to break it to people, but laymen think the Baby Surprise Jacket is UGLY. I did a poll; only knitters think it's cool. And I don't care what gift recipients say to your face; there is a little thing called 'politeness' still in effect in most areas.)

One of Ms. Zimmerman's false modesties was the word "unvent". You see, she never invented anything, because surely someone somewhere in history had done it before. But she'd never seen it, so she "unvented" it.

I hate this pseudo-word, and I especially hate that I'm seeing it so commonly used on so many innovative knitting blogs, like TECHknitting. Why do I hate it? Because it robs women of self-respect, and appreciation (not to mention credit) for their innovations. It doesn't matter even if someone 600 years ago in the backwaters of Germany figured this out and never shared it. You figured it out now, on your own, in a vacuum, when no one else in recorded history has. Take credit. Have a little respect for yourself. Put the modesty aside, and have some pride in what you've shared with the world.

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